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July 16th, 2024 - 19th, 2024

3 Day Silent Retreat – Sr Colette Kane OP*

Silent Retreat Retreat, Short Retreat

“Knowing Our Place – From Stardust to Sand”

How do I incorporate scientific discoveries with my story of faith? What does evolution tell me about God, creation, nature, and my place in it all?

How can I celebrate being Christian in an evolving universe?

The new dialogues between contemporary culture/society, science and religion are ever changing, there is an urgent need for literacy about the nature-society relationship. There are valid challenges to our inherited structures for living and a need to reinterpret our traditional beliefs about the source of the universe, creation itself and the place of humans within it, theologically and philosophically.

In this retreat Sr Colette will help us to ponder these questions through reflective inputs with images, music and prayer. There will be time to spend time in the beauty of the natural setting in Ballyvaloo, to feel the gentle presence of God and nourish your soul, become aware of your place in the universe story and learn how much a part of nature you truly are.


* Can be a 6 Day Retreat if combined with Sr Una Agnew’s Retreat  July 13th to 16th.


Sr Colette Kane OP has almost ten years’ experience working and living in An Tairseach, Organic Farm and Ecology Centre. One aim of the Centre is to explore spirituality in the context of an expanding universe, and endangered earth, in the Christian tradition. She is a key presenter in the bi-annual 10-week residential programme that enables participants to explore and study theology and spirituality within the context of the evolution of the universe. As Programme Director she also develops shorter duration courses, retreats, talks, and workshops related to ecology, cosmology, sustainable living and organic food.

Hosted by: Sr Colette Kane OP. Cost: €340

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for 3 Day Silent Retreat – Sr Colette Kane OP* on 16 Jul, 2024 - 19 Jul, 2024