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May 21st, 2022 - 27th, 2022

Retreat – Deirdre Ni Chinneide


Turas an Chroí – Journey of the Heart

In the early Christian church, the well was seen as a place of healing. Held deep within the earth, a journey to the well nurtured and refreshed the pilgrim who drank of its healing waters. Through this journey of the heart we open to the well within. The call to remember with this ancient civilization is to retrieve that which we have lost and longed for in these current times. Deirdre is renown for her work and and is gifted in providing an opportunity to creatively reflect on the personal and collective journey. Through music, movement , prayer and poetry, this retreat will guide a return home, to the Spirit of God within.


Deirdre Ni Chinneide, trained as a psychotherapist/ spiritual director and workshop facilitator, Deirdre has worked all over Ireland, the U.S.A, Australia and Europe including Bosnia and Kosovo. She divides her time between the Aran Islands and the mainland offering retreats, workshops and performances of Spiritual Music. She has composed two highly acclaimed CDs of Spiritual Music: Celtic Passage and I will Sing for you – songs to soothe the soul. Deirdre has recently published a book with her sister Mary Kennedy “Journey to the Well Connecting to Celtic Ways and Wisdom (Hachette Publications). Deirdre is director of Slí Aonghusa retreat centre, Inis Mór Aran islands. Further details www.celticpassage.com

Hosted by: Deirdre Ni Chinneide. Cost: €570