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October 21st, 2022 - 23rd, 2022

Retreat – Fr. Kieran O’Mahony OSA

Retreat, Short Retreat

The Prayer of Presence

A practical weekend of Christian Meditation



Kieran J. O’Mahony OSA is an Augustinian friar and biblical scholar. He worked for twenty-two years in the Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy and for nine years a co-ordinator of biblical studies for the archdiocese of Dublin. He maintains a website: www.tarsus.ie, offering commentaries on the current liturgical readings and much else besides. Kieran has just completed the final book in a nine-volume series entitled Hearers of the Word (Messenger Publications). The purpose of the series is to make current biblical scholarship available in an accessible and prayerful way to the ordinary believer, as well as to those who preach the Word. Some years ago, he translated a book on Christian meditation: How to Sit with God. A Practical Guide to Silent Prayer by Jean-Marie Gueullette OP (Veritas). For fun and relax, as well as family and friends, there’s always the road bike, the music of JS Bach, the piano, hiking in Wicklow and Italian cooking.

Hosted by: Fr Kieran O'Mahony OSA. Cost: €190

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for Retreat – Fr. Kieran O’Mahony OSA on 21 Oct, 2022 - 23 Oct, 2022